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Day: September 19, 2023



Have you ever left your leftovers out to cool before you put them in the fridge? Well, I like to do that because it’s just a preference of mine. I made spaghetti last night and as always when I put up the leftovers so I can wash the dishes I left them out on the counter so they can cool. Well, I sat and watched my program for a little while even got up and made myself some dessert, which…

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My birthday was this weekend and I came down to spend it with my daughter, mother, and stepdad. So far it has been a wonderful birthday. My wonderful daughter (she is my youngest, my baby 🙂 went through a lot of hard work making me the birthday cake you see here. It was so delicious and so very moist! She did such a good job! It made my birthday and me feel so good. Thank you, baby girl! I greatly…

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