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“Friends” of Betrayal

“Friends” of Betrayal

You would think after knowing someone for over 11 years and developing a friendship with them you would be able to trust and know that the friendship is secure. I found out the hard way that isn’t the case. I had known this person for 11 years, I thought it was a good and secure friendship. But after he developed a relationship with another person and they became romantically involved things started to change. He became more distant from me….

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The month of August can kiss my a$$!

The month of August can kiss my a$$!

I always dread when it is time for this month to roll around. You would think it would be a good month, it would mean we are that much closer to fall. The beautiful changes in the seasons, soon the start of the changing colors, the falling of leaves, the cool crisp air swirling around you. Fall is my favorite season, just cool enough to snuggle in and watch the leaves outside swirl around in the wind. Sit outside by…

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