

My birthday was this weekend and I came down to spend it with my daughter, mother, and stepdad. So far it has been a wonderful birthday. My wonderful daughter (she is my youngest, my baby 🙂 went through a lot of hard work making me the birthday cake you see here. It was so delicious and so very moist! She did such a good job! It made my birthday and me feel so good. Thank you, baby girl! I greatly appreciate it and you! My sister and I, before I headed out of town went out to dinner for my birthday. We went to a Chinese buffet and had a lovely time! Then came back to my place and had a nice cup of coffee.

My beloved did something so very very special for me! He ordered me a delicious birthday cake. It came in this beautiful box that when you open it, it flowers into all kinds of pretty scenery. We got on video call before I opened the box (my present) so he could watch me open it. When I opened it I discovered it also came with a birthday candle. I was very excited about this. I immediately opened the cake and put the candle in it, lit the candle, and right after I got it lit my beloved started singing Happy Birthday to me. This just made my day! When he was done I blew my candle out and had a very nice taste of my little birthday cake. It was a beautiful moment.


Saturday evening my brother and his wife treated us all out for dinner at Golden Corral.  We had a nice time and a nice meal. Good conversation and family always go well together. It was a nice birthday, normally I would just spend my Birthday alone but I decided this year I was going to spend it with family. It was worth the trip!

2 thoughts on “Birthday

  1. I’m so very pleased I was able to help you celebrate your birthday this year! When we were talking on the phone and you were lamenting over the fact that you were going to be without a cake, I KNEW I had to do something to fix that little issue. The website that I found ( definitely did the trick and then some. The fact that your daughter was able to make her own cake and present it to you at your family’s home just made it better all around. Certainly, no one was trying to outdo the other, and you were able to have the sort of birthday you’ve been wanting for years.

    About the only thing I can think of that would be better would be when we can do it in person ourselves. THEN you can get any sort of cake that you want…it’ll be my honor to make it for you! Might as well put that 12 years of service in the bakery to good use, eh?

    Happy Birthday!

    1. Both of my surprise birthday cakes were equally special to me! I had a wonderful birthday. I look forward to the day when I can celebrate my birthday in person with you! Thank you for making my birthday extra special!

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