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Tag: #BDSM

Going to the Gym

Going to the Gym

I have been going to the gym on and off for about 4 years now. I had a previous membership at PF and I enjoyed that membership. But when covid hit it put a dent into my workout regimen. One, the gym reduced their hours and even closed for a period of time which put a dent into my attendance there. Sometimes it’s hard to schedule time to go to the gym when you have to schedule around work. Two,…

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Support in getting Healthier

Support in getting Healthier

Well I’ve noticed in the last few months that I am gaining weight, I was maintaining before. But since the virus has hit and my gym is closed it’s been alot harder! So I’ve been trying to cut back on my food intake. It’s been a back and forth battle. And not really having anyone to support me or keep me in check, it’s been even harder! I was hoping to incorporate my Masters help but that didn’t work out…

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