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Tag: Self-reflect

The month of August can kiss my a$$!

The month of August can kiss my a$$!

I always dread when it is time for this month to roll around. You would think it would be a good month, it would mean we are that much closer to fall. The beautiful changes in the seasons, soon the start of the changing colors, the falling of leaves, the cool crisp air swirling around you. Fall is my favorite season, just cool enough to snuggle in and watch the leaves outside swirl around in the wind. Sit outside by…

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Going to the Gym

Going to the Gym

I have been going to the gym on and off for about 4 years now. I had a previous membership at PF and I enjoyed that membership. But when covid hit it put a dent into my workout regimen. One, the gym reduced their hours and even closed for a period of time which put a dent into my attendance there. Sometimes it’s hard to schedule time to go to the gym when you have to schedule around work. Two,…

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I Don’t Know Where This Will Go

I Don’t Know Where This Will Go

I haven’t made a journal entry in quite some time, I thought maybe I’ll give it another try so here I go. It’s been kind of a whirlwind since the beginning of this year. A lot of things have changed and well we are all just trying to make it day by day. When I was married raising my children taking care of my husband’s needs as well as the household everything seemed to be in order. I knew what…

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LDR Dominance

LDR Dominance

My Dom and I were having a discussion yesterday afternoon. It was about doming from a distance. Before I felt that I couldn’t express myself in these journal entries. I felt that my D/s would be put on the line and I’d find myself alone. But I feel more confident now with the constant reassurance that I receive from my Dom that our D/s is strong and will last till the end and a day. So here I am expressing…

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Support in getting Healthier

Support in getting Healthier

Well I’ve noticed in the last few months that I am gaining weight, I was maintaining before. But since the virus has hit and my gym is closed it’s been alot harder! So I’ve been trying to cut back on my food intake. It’s been a back and forth battle. And not really having anyone to support me or keep me in check, it’s been even harder! I was hoping to incorporate my Masters help but that didn’t work out…

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I’ve been debating about writing this post for a while now, it may send a message to certain people or it may not. Either way I don’t wish to discuss this entry. I just wish to be able to write in my journal my true feelings to just be able to come here to be myself and unload without any reprimand or expectations of explaining.   Sometimes in our lives we go through trauma that will forever change our lives. You…

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