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Tag: work

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend

I had a really nice Easter weekend, I got to spend some time with my sister. We went to Natural Bridge in Virginia and enjoyed a nice walk down the path and under the bridge. It was a bit hard for my sister because she has stage 4 bone cancer. But I am proud of her she did the whole walk down and back. I fear that she will not be with me for many more years so I take…

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I Had a Meltdown Yesterday

I Had a Meltdown Yesterday

The start of my day was going pretty well, I finished some errands that needed to be done. I was getting things accomplished which makes me feel better in my day-to-day life. I have always been the responsible person who has taken care of everything and everyone. I worked hard and raised my children. And now that they are grown and on their own, now that I am divorced and no longer have a husband to take care of I…

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Going to the Gym

Going to the Gym

I have been going to the gym on and off for about 4 years now. I had a previous membership at PF and I enjoyed that membership. But when covid hit it put a dent into my workout regimen. One, the gym reduced their hours and even closed for a period of time which put a dent into my attendance there. Sometimes it’s hard to schedule time to go to the gym when you have to schedule around work. Two,…

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