A Glorious Day!

A Glorious Day!

My boy, I am so very proud of MY boy!

We started off on a much different path. Both of us unsure and playing a role that was not our true selves. My boy was unsettled. I seen my boy struggling with himself. I seen and felt his cry for guidence. So I did what I felt was natural to me and guided my boy. Paved a path for him to discover himself. He is doing wonderfully. I couldn’t be more proud of him than I am now.

Of course like any relationship whether it is kink or vanilla we have had our ups and downs. But we have come out the other side stronger!  I am sure we will still have our ups and downs but that is to be expected. But how else do you build a strong relationship if you don’t have the good with the bad. As well as the universe giving us both a good swift kick in the ass when needed!  ?


We continue to build our relationship, I feel our bond growing stronger every day. My boy is very well versed in this lifestyle, over 30 years he has been in this lifestyle!  Impressive I know!  Myself only about 2 years and no RL experience that is a goal I am working towards with the help of my boy and a few friends. I feel this is who I am, a Dominant as well as kinky. When I discovered this lifestyle I discovered my true self.

Something very special and wonderful happened yesterday!  Something I have felt very strongly towards. Something I didn’t think would ever happen for me because of past experience putting a black cloud over me. But it happen!  And I couldn’t be any happier than I am right now!  Elated! Joyful! Ecstatic! So very proud to annouce I claimed my boy formally yesterday!!!!  ????? He is now formally MINE!  My boy you make me so proud!  Thank you for such a wonderful and precious gift!  I will treasure my gift!  So now I am the most happiest owner of my boy!  We will build our relationship to the most glorious of all!


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