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Day: January 20, 2018

Pulled from the Pit

Pulled from the Pit

Now if you have read my last entry ‘The New Discovery I made about myself’ you would have read where our D/s done a “switcharoo” as Daddy would call it. lol Yes we reversed roles, and it is the best thing we could have ever done for one another. As I said in my last entry I couldn’t be happier, and that is coming from deep withing my heart and soul, I truly couldn’t be happier! Let me delve into…

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Babygirl and her Drama!

Babygirl and her Drama!

I have been embarking on a new Chapter in my life. I have recently changed jobs as well as locations. It was not an easy decision, and it still has it’s bad moments. Of course this is to be expected in a big change. But my last environment was a very negative one for me. It was bringing me down further and further day by day. My Daddy seen this as well as witnessed some of it. He knew, as…

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