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Category: Self reflect

For the Love of my Master

For the Love of my Master

As some of you may already know my Master and I live 6 hours apart so it makes seeing one another a bit hard. He also has other circumstances that make it hard for us to visit. It’s these other circumstances that has brought me here to write about. Because of these circumstances we are only allowed to see one another twice a year. But we’re grateful to have that. We deal with it and enjoy every minute we get…

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The Gym

The Gym

I absolutely love going to the gym, it is my happy place. I feel so much better after going there and working out. I’ve had some health issues here of late that have kept me out of the gym for the last month or so. Well, things seemed to be “feeling better” so I wanted to start back to the gym and get back into my happy routine. So over the weekend I got my gym bag ready and charged…

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Have you ever left your leftovers out to cool before you put them in the fridge? Well, I like to do that because it’s just a preference of mine. I made spaghetti last night and as always when I put up the leftovers so I can wash the dishes I left them out on the counter so they can cool. Well, I sat and watched my program for a little while even got up and made myself some dessert, which…

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My birthday was this weekend and I came down to spend it with my daughter, mother, and stepdad. So far it has been a wonderful birthday. My wonderful daughter (she is my youngest, my baby 🙂 went through a lot of hard work making me the birthday cake you see here. It was so delicious and so very moist! She did such a good job! It made my birthday and me feel so good. Thank you, baby girl! I greatly…

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“Friends” of Betrayal

“Friends” of Betrayal

You would think after knowing someone for over 11 years and developing a friendship with them you would be able to trust and know that the friendship is secure. I found out the hard way that isn’t the case. I had known this person for 11 years, I thought it was a good and secure friendship. But after he developed a relationship with another person and they became romantically involved things started to change. He became more distant from me….

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The month of August can kiss my a$$!

The month of August can kiss my a$$!

I always dread when it is time for this month to roll around. You would think it would be a good month, it would mean we are that much closer to fall. The beautiful changes in the seasons, soon the start of the changing colors, the falling of leaves, the cool crisp air swirling around you. Fall is my favorite season, just cool enough to snuggle in and watch the leaves outside swirl around in the wind. Sit outside by…

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I Had a Meltdown Yesterday

I Had a Meltdown Yesterday

The start of my day was going pretty well, I finished some errands that needed to be done. I was getting things accomplished which makes me feel better in my day-to-day life. I have always been the responsible person who has taken care of everything and everyone. I worked hard and raised my children. And now that they are grown and on their own, now that I am divorced and no longer have a husband to take care of I…

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Going to the Gym

Going to the Gym

I have been going to the gym on and off for about 4 years now. I had a previous membership at PF and I enjoyed that membership. But when covid hit it put a dent into my workout regimen. One, the gym reduced their hours and even closed for a period of time which put a dent into my attendance there. Sometimes it’s hard to schedule time to go to the gym when you have to schedule around work. Two,…

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I Went to My First Swinger Party Last Night

I Went to My First Swinger Party Last Night

It was an interesting experience, I was excited to go and I even wore a bit of a sexy outfit. But I must admit after being there for an hour or so I regretted my choice of clothing. You see this particular swinger party was a bit geriatric! The beginning of the party was going fairly well after I arrived with some friends of mine I also discovered other friends of mine had also shown up. I was very happy…

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I Don’t Know Where This Will Go

I Don’t Know Where This Will Go

I haven’t made a journal entry in quite some time, I thought maybe I’ll give it another try so here I go. It’s been kind of a whirlwind since the beginning of this year. A lot of things have changed and well we are all just trying to make it day by day. When I was married raising my children taking care of my husband’s needs as well as the household everything seemed to be in order. I knew what…

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