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Author: redheadinbama

Bad Girl with Sweets

Bad Girl with Sweets

I have not been a very good girl the last few weeks, I’m supposed to ask my Daddy permission before I eat any sweets. And well I have been a bit more lonely these last few weeks as well as bored. So I ate a large number of sweets over the past few weeks. And I started feeling guilty about it as well as started gaining weight. So I confessed to my Daddy, at first I was making a joke…

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Earlier today I created a Tumblr account. I am excited about it and exploring new things I will discover. As I was doing so I remembered my Daddy had sent me a link to his. So I went and retrieved the link and went to his Tumblr. I was very much enjoying what I was looking at, then I came across a comment he had made on another slave’s picture. Automatically I became jealous and worrisome, not out of mistrust…

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Another Day on my New Journey

Another Day on my New Journey

Well, here is to another day; I am still ecstatically happy! It has its up’s and down’s, but that is what you get when you’re in a relationship. I am feeling more and more comfortable in my new ‘skin’. Daddy and I have been talking about my collar, and every time we do I get this giddy feeling as well as a feeling I can’t explain. It is like floating on this huge cloud of happiness! I don’t want to…

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Lunch with a Friend

Lunch with a Friend

Well, the beginning of my day was a bit stressful, I have a friend who also has a past with me. A bit of a sore spot for my Daddy. But of course, Daddy comes first in anything and everything. So I had a chat with Daddy about having lunch with this friend and letting him know (again) how our dynamic has changed. I was also nervous when said lunch came around that he may want to still carry on…

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Another Day with Daddy

Another Day with Daddy

I woke up to a very nice message from my Daddy this morning (as always). I very much look forward to those messages every day! Well, his headache finally went away! Yay! And so I waited for his lunch break. He had an early shift today so that means you really never know when he will take lunch. So I sat here waiting for him to go to lunch so we could have our normal lunch text. Also, I needed…

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Pulled from the Pit

Pulled from the Pit

Now if you have read my last entry ‘The New Discovery I made about myself’ you would have read where our D/s done a “switcharoo” as Daddy would call it. lol Yes we reversed roles, and it is the best thing we could have ever done for one another. As I said in my last entry I couldn’t be happier, and that is coming from deep withing my heart and soul, I truly couldn’t be happier! Let me delve into…

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Babygirl and her Drama!

Babygirl and her Drama!

I have been embarking on a new Chapter in my life. I have recently changed jobs as well as locations. It was not an easy decision, and it still has it’s bad moments. Of course this is to be expected in a big change. But my last environment was a very negative one for me. It was bringing me down further and further day by day. My Daddy seen this as well as witnessed some of it. He knew, as…

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The New Discovery I Made About Myself

The New Discovery I Made About Myself

Well it happen a few days ago, it has to do with my D/s. Something was off with me and my sub. He wasn’t feeling his role and I honestly wasn’t feeling mine for quite a while. We both started ‘talking’ and it got a bit heated and well frankly scary!  I thought I was about to lose the man I fell in love with. My heart was racing!  My pulse was thundering!  I was shaking and sweating!  But like…

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Another Late Night

Another Late Night

Well I was inside with my husband listening to him go on and on about the new life he is going to live and how excited he is about it. Unbeknownst to him that each word he utters is a dagger to my heart. His laughing, his joking creating more pain in me. So now I sit out here on my front porch in the swing. Its 11:00pm and cold but I can no longer sit in that house with…

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I Smiled Today

I Smiled Today

Well I am sitting here relaxing at home watching some Netflix. When I got up this morning I was still feeling the pain as well as the lack of sleep. It was all starting to take its toll on me physically and mentally. So I sat here drinking my coffee and just thinking of the past few days events. Thinking to myself ‘you know what self!  I’m not going to sit here and wallow in all this self pity!  I’m…

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